Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pros and Cons

The Pros of Euthanasia:

                It is a way to relieve someone of pain (extreme).  It can provide a way of relief when a person’s quality of life is low.

It is a person’s right to make their own decisions
It costs money to be alive so it would be cheaper on a family or the person who is paying the bills as well as allow for another person to receive the treatment that would otherwise be used on a person who doesn’t even want it.

The Cons of Euthanasia:

                It devalues human life

                Medical care people should not be involved in directly causing a death

                The path that euthanasia has taken to became legal for something’s and then others, who’s to say where it can be done and not done.

"Euthanasia Facts." Web. 01 May 2012.

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